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Maria Etkind Millinery is a Panamanian millinery living in New Orleans. She loves to share some of her millinery adventures in her journal. If you are a hat enthusiast or a millinery you will love to read her musings.

New Orleans Museum of Art presents: "Art in Bloom"

Maria Etkind

I was so excited to be asked by the New Orleans Museum of Art to participate in their annual Art in Bloom exhibit. Art in Bloom will showcases spectacular floral designs created by garden clubs, floral designers and creative talents from across New Orleans. The theme of the exhibit was “Home Grown”.

The hat was handmade using all natural straw materials including the flowers and trim.

The hat was handmade using all natural straw materials including the flowers and trim.

Enjoying the fruits of my labor at the opening reception on May 05,2021

Enjoying the fruits of my labor at the opening reception on May 05,2021

My submission title: Uniquely Resilient

Inspiration: To live in New Orleans we have to be "uniquely resilient" like the Camellia blossom. Camellia’s also enjoy a long blooming season just like we enjoy a long season of festivals and celebrations.

Materials: cream sinamay straw wide brimmed hat with silk abaca, handmade and hand dyed Camellia flowers and trim. 

Botanical: Manila Hemp (sinamay and silk abaca straw), Philippines

My initial sketch. I new I wanted to use Camellia flowers for the trim.

My initial sketch. I new I wanted to use Camellia flowers for the trim.

I think this is the first time that one of my hats looks very similar to the sketch!

I think this is the first time that one of my hats looks very similar to the sketch!