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Thanks, Maria Etkind


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Maria Etkind Millinery is a Panamanian millinery living in New Orleans. She loves to share some of her millinery adventures in her journal. If you are a hat enthusiast or a millinery you will love to read her musings.

Garden & Gun Article: Meet the Mardi Gras Hatmaker

Maria Etkind

A New Orleans milliner followed her dream after a mentor said,
“Don’t let the thinking get in the way of the doing”


In the hazy late-night hours, Maria Etkind talks to her hats. 

But there’s no “mad hatter” here. Rather, Etkind, a milliner based in New Orleans, knows herself well enough to wait until morning to make a final call about a problematic hat. “We’ll see about you tomorrow,” she’ll say. As she sleeps, the harsh judgment often disappears. She says: “Almost always, in the morning, it’s beautiful again.

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